Hip replacements have long been associated with elderly populations who typically present with low functional baselines. However, that ageist stereotype is slowly breaking as increasing
Category: The Journey

Lyme disease has become more well-known in the last decade. Despite increased awareness, there are still a lot of unknowns.

“How did you manage to stay so strong all last year and even now as you continue to recover from everything?” One of my good

Plateaus are part of the journey. Remaining driven during a plateau can feel impossible. Don’t give up.

I recently teased my parents that my life could be broken out into chapters of illness.

After a total hip replacement (THR), you’ll receive a ton of information about how to have a successful recovery. Let’s make it exciting.

Although I was excited for all the good that would come from the surgeries, I have to admit that I found myself mourning my bad hips.

A lot happened in 2021. This timeline will give you a glimpse of my crazy health year. Ready, set, go.